Author Archives: Matt


How to fix: Connecting issues of Shift Happens on Playstation 4

Since we have been getting more and more emails and messages from people having the same connecting issues on PS4 for Shift Happens, I decided to make a short write up on how to fix this. What’s the problem? Whenever… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Patch v1.1 on Steam and PS4 Trophy fix

First Patch after release Here it is, our patch v1.1 for Shift Happens. To celebrate it, we improved our hat feature (which is currently only available on steam) and made it more visible and accessible for everyone. You might also… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Shift Happens E3 Trailer

Hello everybody! Right now the E32015 is taking place in Los Angeles. Unfortunately we can’t be there ourselves because we’ve been very busy with contract work. But don’t worry! Our partners Deck13 are on site with a brand new gameplay trailer as… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Time-lapse: Creating a tutorial level for MS3D

When I show people prototypes or games we’ve been working on I always get asked if I was the programmer or maybe the guy who has drawn all this. I try then to explain what exactly it is that I… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Level Design analysis: Heatmaps

It’s been a while since my last blogpost due to the fact that Team-Klonk is very busy right now and in the middle of working on our bachelor thesis. Anyways, today I got quite an interesting article for all of… Continue reading the rest of this article →