
“Kinder Lieben Onsere Neuartigen Komputerspiele”
This old German proverb means something like “children love our innovative computergames” and is an acronym for K.L.O.N.K.

Although we do not take this definition too serious (It did actually not exist until Beff goofed around with possible acronyms), the truth is not far from it. We love crafting games and we even more enjoy seeing people appreciating our work.



Company Profile

We call ourselves an independent game making company. We would not consider ourselves as a strictly “indie” game studio, as we are not completely independent from anybody. We do work on other IPs and are partly financed by doing contract work.

But we are pretty independent when it comes to picking our own game concepts and work offers.

We really like to have fun while working, thus we pick the projects that fit our profile and mindset. Although this means we are not suited for every game project on earth, it sure means that we can spend the time on the right projects.


The team itself was formed during various projects during university, the Mediadesign Hochschule in Munich, where we learned our traits and a got our degree in Gamedesign. After university, we decided that now or never was the time to start working together as a company, as we already had our first game out there and clients knocking on the door.

From this quick start we established our business in various areas, trying to find the sweet spot and looking for new adventures and challenges every day.

Video games are not just for entertainment and big money. Video games can be expressive, amusing and even informative. We enjoy this medium in all its various facets and are happy to bring it to old and new audiences.



Past Projects:

Mercury Shift 2D Banner

Mercury Shift 2D is the very first game we made together as “Klonk”. It was our second semester project and instead of leaving the prototype as a kinda cool but unfinished game, we made the “goldmaster” ready and shipped it. We survived the post-release blues and the bugfixing mostly because of the good reception and a lot of players’ positive comments.

More on the game page.



Shift Happens console launch 22.2.2017

Shift Happens is the successor of Mercury Shift. The core mechanics were not changed, as we wanted to put all the feedback from the 2D Version into a new hot game.

Shift Happens will be released for PC, Xbox One and PS4 on February 22nd in 2017.

More on the game page



Energie Interaktiv

Energie Interaktiv Deutsches Museum

This project was our first commercial order. From the initial idea until the final deploy, we worked together with the Deutsche Museum on this. The museum had a dream of bringing games to their exhibition and we helped accomplishing this vision.

School classes can now get a tablet and walk through parts of the museum, with an App that accompanies some exhibits with games. The games are meant to work together with the impressive objects, that are on display in the museum. It provides an additional layer to the museum and teaches theoretical physics, engineering and ecology to the kids.



Various Visualisations

3D Vizualistaion banner

Coming from a freelance work background, we brought a few customers with us and created 3D visualisations of exhibition booths for them.

At the moment, we are working on bringing those renderings to interactive worlds and making them virtually available at an early planning stage.




Deep-Sirius Banner

Deep-Sirius may be the point where at least a small part of the company started. It is a browsergame, that Mic and Robin made during their free time with a few schoolmates. Although it was just a small project with little to no profit, the basics of coding, design and gamedevelopment could be explored and were the initiation of the happenings that lead to Klonk.

Visit the game


