Monthly Archives: January 2014


Dev Diary #2: Building up

This is the second post in our dev diary. We’re documenting our weekly progress on Mercury Shift 3D with this series. You can find the first post here. Maybe some words on our business model at this point. Mainly, we are… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Dev Diary #1: Draw something (picture heavy post)

The first weekly roundup is here and I am pretty excited. It does not mean we’re just starting the work on our game, but this kind of documentation is new for us. Every Monday we’re having a weekly meeting where everybody… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Bismo & Plom – Character Design for Mercury Shift 3D

Today, the day has finally come. The day that I’d love to introduce you to the two bubbly little protagonists of Mercury Shift 3D in their (currently) final form: Meet Bismo and Plom!


Unity3D: Printing Vector3

Everyone who coded for Unity3D has come across this problem; Print a Vector3 and get this: That’s not very useful, especially since the X-part is actually 1.23.