
Shift Happens wins “Goldenen Spatz” award

After our successful visit to the German Video Game Awards, we were super happy to hear Shift Happens was also nominated for the children media awards “Goldener Spatz”, which translates into “Golden Sparrow”. At the festival, we were awarded the prize for “Indie-Game4Kids”. Matt was in the city of Erfurt on the 10th of June 2016 to accept the prize on stage on behalf of the team.

Mathias nimmt Goldenen Spatz entgegen

We are especially happy about this prize, as the jury consists of children and they get to chose their favorite games. We are very glad you liked the game and you chose it as your favorite. A big thank you from our whole team to the jury, the festival organizers and all the people who made Shift Happens possible. The award means a lot for us.

We will take your critique into account and work on the story of Bismo and Plom for our next title, pinky promise!

Extract from the German jury decision[translation by us]:

All in all Shift Happens is an enjoyable and fun Jump and Run game, which convinced us with its child-friendly graphics, its promotion of teamwork, its clear goal, its big selection of levels and most importantly its huge enjoyability.

The prize is meant to honor child-friendly media productions in Germany. This years winners can be found here: http://goldenerspatz.de/festival/preistraeger.html

Shift Happens will come out this summer on PC and Xbox One. Playstation is due later this year. If you want to stay in touch for launch, consider adding your email to our list and we’ll let you know as soon as the game launches with a special discount.


Shift Happens wins big at German Video Game Awards 2016

Deutscher Computerspielpreis 2016

Still a little hungover, we are more than happy to be awarded two out of three prizes at the German Video Game Awards this year. We won “Best Gamedesign” and “Best Children Game“, and were even nominated for “Best German Game“.

We are INCREDIBLY proud to be on stage and receive these awards, they mean the world to us. Long hard work paying off by being recognized as a worthy studio with a worthy title. Being up there, alongside with friends, colleagues and mentors was simply put and amazing experience. We celebrated with so many people we lost count.

Shift Happens is approaching release and we’re looking forward to present the game on PC and Xbox One this summer. The release on Ps4 is a little delayed, but we’re confident to make it happen soonish.

You can still buy Shift Happens at a discount on Steam during its Early Access: store.steampowered.com/app/359840

Info for press and Streamers can be found and downloaded here: presskit.klonk-games.com/sheet.php?p=shift_happens

Thank all of you, who made this possible.


Shift Happens is nominated for “Best German Game”


We were nominated for German Video Game Award DCP for three awards. When the news hit, we were super excited and slowly we’re turning back to normal mode. After a few days of digesting the news, I wanted to say some words.

What this nomination means to us

The federal ministry of transportation and digital infrastructure, the BIU, the GAME and the Stiftung digitale Spielekultur, the hosts of the show, are using this prize as a recognition and support for games developed in Germany. We have been nominated in the past and unfortunately did not take home the award then. Still, that nomination was one of the many reasons that made us keep developing games. I am very happy to see that the ministry split the pot for the “newcomer” prize between all nominations since then. This will help small studios a lot. 10k can mean a lot for a small studio just in the progress of founding.

The prize is an institution that is worth a lot to studios like us. Not only is the amount of money a very significant funding opportunity for a next title, but also being recognized by a federal institution as a “worthy industry” means a lot.

Continue reading the rest of this article →


Shift Happens comes to Steam on 9th of September 2015

Shift Happens goes live on Steam Early Access on 9th of September 2015.

Here is the trailer:

We’ve made the decision to finally get the game out there on Steam. We have been working on it for a long time and right now it feels like we have to see what the world thinks about the game.

Early Access for us means being able to communicate with players, react on their feedback immediately and building an audience. The team has been developing Shift Happens for a long time now, not always full-time, but a for a long time.

So yeah: It is happening! Go check out steam, add the game to favorites and be excited!


We are very excited about the launch.



Shift Happens E3 Trailer

Hello everybody!

Right now the E32015 is taking place in Los Angeles. Unfortunately we can’t be there ourselves because we’ve been very busy with contract work. But don’t worry! Our partners Deck13 are on site with a brand new gameplay trailer as well as exciting news for the future of Shift Happens!

Other than that, this years gamescom is gonna be a blast! We’ve been part of the Indie Arena of Gamescom 2014 and we will again be attending Gamescom 2015 at the Indie Arena Booth. You’ll be able to check out the latest gameplay demo of Shift Happens and meet Robin, Elena and myself there.

So stay tuned for our lates news. Simply subscribe to our Newsletter or like us on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for your support!