Yay! Yesterday we got the news, that Mercury Shift is officially nominated for the Deutscher Computerspielpreis (German Videogame Award) in the category “Bestes Nachwuchskonzept aus Schüler- und Studentenwettbewerb”, a newcomer category. We are super happy about this and are looking forward to the ceremony!
But why is getting nominated so awesome?
Love what you do
If there is one thing we love doing, it is making videogames. We put a lot of our own personality and ideas into the games, especially Mercury Shift. And as a result of being passionate about your game, you really get attached to it. I guess that is true for every area of expertise and even for every product.
If you really love what you’re doing, it becomes much more than just working and earning money. Actually, the money is kind of irrelevant for us at this point and I hope it will stay that way. On the one hand it is awesome to love your work and the process of it. The product will always be better and it will always contain parts of your enthusiasm and passion.
Love hurts
On the other hand, you become very vulnerable when it comes to critiques, misunderstandings and different perceptions of your work. While watching “Indie Game – the Movie” you can see all of the designers struggling with their own work, as it is a huge part of them. I would claim that most of the people working behind AAA titles or game-clones do not identify with their game as most of the indie developers do. I guess this is also a result of indies doing their game in very small teams or even completely on their own. You just identify with the whole game. I guess the guy who made the weapons in CoD also is very sad if somebody criticises his work on the models.
So any comments, reviews, awards and whatsoever actually hit me right in the feels. Good or bad, it does not matter. Everyone put a lot of effort into it and thus seeing people from beyond our team appreciating our game is just awesome. It makes anyone on the team happy and content.
tl;dr: Being passionate is never wrong, but it comes with some side effects. Awards give credit to your idea and make us feel warm and fuzzy. Thanks!