Tag Archives: Mercury Shift


Mercury Shift Devblog: Gamedesign Recap

After a long pause, here comes the awaited blogpost of it all. It is a megapost, so we devided into a few chew-able bits. We have to catch up a bit with the devblog of Mercury Shift and we haven’t… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Bismo & Plom make the Difference

Well, hello there! It’s been a while. On my first post I gave a short insight on the Character Design for our two little friends, Bismo and Plom. A few months have passed since then and the world of Mercury… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Mercury Shift is nominated! – Deutscher Computerspielpreis

Yay! Yesterday we got the news, that Mercury Shift is officially nominated for the Deutscher Computerspielpreis (German Videogame Award) in the category “Bestes Nachwuchskonzept aus Schüler- und Studentenwettbewerb”, a newcomer category. We are super happy about this and are looking… Continue reading the rest of this article →