Category Archives: Devblog


A: Our magic tricks in 3D asset creation

Matt wanted to know: Making 3D art costs a lot of time. What are your tricks to be fast and still make your Art look beautiful and nice? Good question indeed. Because we sadly are not able to train monkeys… Continue reading the rest of this article →


A: How the hell do you keep players from getting stuck in a level?

I can answer this question by asking another one: How is it possible to screw up a puzzle in the game? Well, there are several ways to mess up. Given all the mechanics, players usually start to abuse them to… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Watcha doing, mate? – Ask Klonk Anything

“So what is it you do, exactly?” is the most frequent asked question when talking about your work. Also, this is a question raised by our team members asking other klonk-folks. Artists are curious about what the code-department does and… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Mercury Shift 2D – SVN Render

We used a super nifty tool to visualize our progress from the prototype of Mercury Shift 2D in Flash (Gource). It shows our progress and what a relentless coder our very own lead programmer is. You can still play the… Continue reading the rest of this article →



When designing a game for the first time, you tend to take many things for granted, especially the little things that seem so obvious and logical that you probably never really put a lot of thought in them. Being a… Continue reading the rest of this article →