Tag Archives: coop


Shift Happens is nominated for “Best German Game”

We were nominated for German Video Game Award DCP for three awards. When the news hit, we were super excited and slowly we’re turning back to normal mode. After a few days of digesting the news, I wanted to say some… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Mercury Shift Devblog: Gamedesign Recap

After a long pause, here comes the awaited blogpost of it all. It is a megapost, so we devided into a few chew-able bits. We have to catch up a bit with the devblog of Mercury Shift and we haven’t… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Dev Diary #9: One week off :)

Good morning boys and girls! We have to take some time off the Mercury Shift 3D and finish a different project. So this week we still had some great stuff going on. The gamedesigners finished their work on the canyon… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Dev Diary #5: No texture. Such Polygon.

Another week, another update. This week in development has been pretty exhausting, as we are encountering a few difficulties and some tasks became tedious to work with. Lightmapping is still a big challenge, to be honest. When coming from software… Continue reading the rest of this article →