Tag Archives: Dev Diary


Dev Diary #8: Loud Pipes

Good monday everyone! We will be starting off this post with some work of Simon. As the Shadermagician and Feedbackwizard on duty he improved the special coin a little further. The coins now all have some additional „juice“ to them,… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Devdiary #7: Sparksies

We skipped the last update as there was going on a bit more than usual. It was a busy week. And this post is also a bit different as I am writing this during my train ride from Lyon to… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Dev Diary #6: Interference

„Your game is shipping in 3 days. What has to be added to make it work?“ Although this is not the actual situation for us, the statement (or question for that matter) helped us quite a bit in this week.… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Dev Diary #4: Does it move?

These devdiary posts are being crafted on the content the Klonk Games team works on a daily basis. The team is not very big, but nevertheless we do lose sight of some parts of the project. When you are working… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Dev Diary #3 – GIF galore! (and a video)

‚Ello friends, Yet again we’ve been busy this week. This video is a recent capture of our game. But wait, there is more! This blogpost may be a bit delayed, as compensation this post is filled with some wonderful GIFs.