Category Archives: Dev Diary


(English) Patch v1.1 on Steam and PS4 Trophy fix

Erster Patch seit Release Da ist er endlich: Patch v1.1 für Shift Happens! Zur Feier des Tages haben wir unser Hut-Feature verbessert (welches aktuell jedoch nur auf Steam erhältlich ist) und es sichtbarer und verständlicher gemacht. Wenn ihr genau hinschaut,… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Mercury Shift Devblog: Art Catch Up

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.


Dev Diary #9: One week off :)

Good morning boys and girls! We have to take some time off the Mercury Shift 3D and finish a different project. So this week we still had some great stuff going on. The gamedesigners finished their work on the canyon… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Dev Diary #8: Loud Pipes

Good monday everyone! We will be starting off this post with some work of Simon. As the Shadermagician and Feedbackwizard on duty he improved the special coin a little further. The coins now all have some additional „juice“ to them,… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Devdiary #7: Sparksies

We skipped the last update as there was going on a bit more than usual. It was a busy week. And this post is also a bit different as I am writing this during my train ride from Lyon to… Continue reading the rest of this article →