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Tag Archives: coop platformer
Shift Happens ab dem 9. September auf Steam verfügbar
Shift Happens goes live on Steam Early Access on 9th of September 2015. Here is the trailer: We’ve made the decision to finally get the game out there on Steam. We have been working on it for a long time… Continue reading the rest of this article →
Dev Diary #8: Loud Pipes
Good monday everyone! We will be starting off this post with some work of Simon. As the Shadermagician and Feedbackwizard on duty he improved the special coin a little further. The coins now all have some additional „juice“ to them,… Continue reading the rest of this article →
Dev Diary #4: Does it move?
These devdiary posts are being crafted on the content the Klonk Games team works on a daily basis. The team is not very big, but nevertheless we do lose sight of some parts of the project. When you are working… Continue reading the rest of this article →