
Dev Diary #4: Does it move?


These devdiary posts are being crafted on the content the Klonk Games team works on a daily basis. The team is not very big, but nevertheless we do lose sight of some parts of the project. When you are working on your own things for the game, you tend to miss the work of other people.

So these weekly posts are not only to keep up a public track record of our, it serves also as a very personal documentation and information for the other team members. Every week I am surprised, how many things made it into the prototype and how much work has been done.

This week is another rather big update, at least visually. But have a look for yourself!

Usually it is my job to write all those posts, go to local events and keep contact with the general public and keep an eye on our media presence. This week and the week before I took a bit of time off those tasks and was able to work on some assets that are going to be part of a laboratory stage.

Animated low poly objects for Mercury Shift 3D

These are objects that we plan on using in the first tutorial levels. They should be part of a research lab kind of stage. The so called „game design objects“ i.e. buttons, levers, death-zones and those kind of things will all be in this kind of visual style. They are the same throughout the whole game and they do net get adjusted to the stage.

Even more pretty pictures after the jump!

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Dev Diary #3 – GIF galore! (and a video)

‚Ello friends,

Yet again we’ve been busy this week. This video is a recent capture of our game.

But wait, there is more! This blogpost may be a bit delayed, as compensation this post is filled with some wonderful GIFs.

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Dev Diary #2: Building up


This is the second post in our dev diary. We’re documenting our weekly progress on Mercury Shift 3D with this series. You can find the first post here. Maybe some words on our business model at this point. Mainly, we are making games. As making games takes quite some time and some talented people, it gets expensive. Sadly, we were not able to pull off a great iTunes hit or have a decent game in the Steam Store, but we found a way to make great games: We are using our talents and skills to work on projects that are not directly game related. Those works include interactive displays for exhibitions, visualizations and other things for many different clients. More pictures after the jump.

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Dev Diary #1: Draw something (picture heavy post)

devdiary banner

The first weekly roundup is here and I am pretty excited. It does not mean we’re just starting the work on our game, but this kind of documentation is new for us. Every Monday we’re having a weekly meeting where everybody gives a short outlook on the tasks and challenges for him or her during the upcoming week. In these roundup posts we will try to collect all those things that happened during the week and post them to the world to see and for us to visually track our work. These Dev Diaries shall be regular updates of our work on Mercury Shift 3D In this week, the art department received the leveldesigns in Unity3D by the gamedesigners. The levels contain all the statics and level elements relevant for gameplay. Except for the player-models these levels are completely empty. Continue reading the rest of this article →


Bismo & Plom – Character Design for Mercury Shift 3D


Today, the day has finally come.

The day that I’d love to introduce you to the two bubbly little protagonists of Mercury Shift 3D in their (currently) final form:

Meet Bismo and Plom!

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