Category Archives: Game design


Watcha doing, mate? – Ask Klonk Anything

„So what is it you do, exactly?“ is the most frequent asked question when talking about your work. Also, this is a question raised by our team members asking other klonk-folks. Artists are curious about what the code-department does and… Continue reading the rest of this article →



When designing a game for the first time, you tend to take many things for granted, especially the little things that seem so obvious and logical that you probably never really put a lot of thought in them. Being a… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Tutorial levels – Part 3

This post is part of our devblog and consists of multiple posts. See part 1 and part 2. With our second playtest we realized that the tutorials were going in the right direction, but still needed some polishing. Particularly: Marks on the floor… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Tutorial levels – Part 2

This post is part of our devblog and consists of multiple posts. See part 1 and part 3.   With the results of our first playtest it was obvious we had to change our tutorials a lot. Our new ideas were: The… Continue reading the rest of this article →


Tutorial levels – Part 1

This post is part of our devblog and consists of multiple posts. See part 2 and part 3.   Every game with new or unusual elements, mechanics or features requires an instruction to make it accessible for players. The dilemma here is… Continue reading the rest of this article →